Sunday, November 28, 2010

Welcome to BEC's new blog

In just ten days, over 2 million people have viewed the seemingly impromptu lunch time performance of The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah in an Ontario shopping mall food court.

The event was an advertisement for Alphabet Photography, whose manager explained that she wanted to advertise her company and give people “a little bit of Christmas.”

Many of the more than 2000 people who have commented on the video have expressed the desire that this Christmas might really be a time when people acknowledge that
the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
and that he is
King of kings, and Lord of lords

Now that’s the kind of Christmas that excites us BEC folk.


  1. A version of this was sung at Young Adults Bible Study group on Tuesday evening. In response to how great God is to us as we explored his Word together. Amen was also sung but not with as much gusto and exhuburance!!!

  2. I'd love to have heard it ... and joined in.

    Free copy of Christ Formed In You if you let me know who you are!
